An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Bit of a Drip....

Big Drip!

Thank you all so much for your comments and stars yesterday. My little mushroom made Spotlight for a bit, so making myself look like a complete tit somone who knew what they were doing with a camera in front of the workies was worth it! :))

Hubby got home safely and brought me lovely chocolates from Duty Free apparently......what, was there no perfume in this duty free shop???!!!!! It was either that or golf balls so I think I came out on top! :))

So back to usual routine of home - work - home. Time short and no clue at all what to blip today so fell back on the old faithful - water! Put camera to sports mode and clicked to my heart's content and before I knew where I was there were over 300 shots! Only 4 worth using though! See the others here:

Drop 2

Drop 3

Drop 4

Right then, dinner won't make itself so best get I must....STOP distracting me you lot!!!!

Be back later so see all your fab Wednesday blips :-))) xxx

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