An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Mushroom and Moss....

Huge sh'room.... Try saying that after a few wee snifters! :))

And watch out for the Mushroom Cloud ;-))

If front lawns were judged on their abundance of mushrooms and moss then mine would be the standard by which all fine lawns would be measured!!

Up at the crack of a sparrow's fart this morning again, as doing the whole morning routine on my own. Got A out to school, dishwasher emptied and re-loaded, washing in the drier, another one on, bathroom cleaned, showered and dressed and blip snapped.....all before 9.30am! Phew!

Not easy getting this or yesterday's blip (BTW thank you for all your wonderful comments, hearts and stars for yesterdays pic. It even briefly made Spotlight! :)))) as our new neighbours directly opposite are getting loads of work done to their house so at the moment there are at least 5 vans belonging to different tradesmen parked outside along the pavement that edges my grass.

Both mornings my foray into the wet grass with my camera has coincided with their gathering at their vans, having a cuppa before the days work begins! So there they are, drinking tea, fastening their tool belts, drooling over page 3 checking their shares in their Daily Rags......and there's me, jeans on with nightie on top, hair like a burst couch face down in the wet grass! If I had a cat, I'm sure they'd call me the Mad Cat Lady!!!

Honestly the things I do for blip!

So, a more relaxed afternoon planned till A gets in from school at 4 and D returns from Portugal at 5 (ish) He bloody better have bought me a pressie I wonder if he's bought me a pressie! :)))

Happy Tuesday Peeps xx

P.S. When Alan was leaving for school this morning, I realised that I had gone to bed last night leaving the front door unlocked! Bloody hell!!! Someone could have sneaked in during the night and ravished me as I slept!!!!!!

Oh if only I'd thought to leave it open Saturday and Sunday night too!!!! :-)))

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