Birthday Girl

I woke up grumpy, to find mummy running in,
Puzzled I watched her run downstairs,
so I went to find daddy, waited with him,
turns out mummy wanted to make a coffee,
before I came down,
she can't function without first coffee!
I finally came down, saw parcels,
hmmmm interesting,
but more importantly I see food, That will do,
food gone, time to open parcels,
I love ripping paper up, but inside was fascinating this time
I got a pram for a new monkey,
I got some minnie mouse jewellery, from Katie x
Thank you, I love it so much,
Later on I opened what you can see me wearing,
a top and skirt from sarah,
the present in my hands from aunty mandy,
Nana and grandad and auntie lucy and uncle steve,
visited this evening, bringing more,
this time all things happy land,
to add to the collection, including the one mandy brought
(the one I am playing with in this blip)
Mummy gave a me another a present,
brought with a voucher mad peggy from London sent to me,
A Minnie mouse till, It makes lots of noises, such fun,
Then a cake appeared,
I blew out the candles,
then ate a piece bigger then me,
I really have had a lovely day,
late to bed tonight though,
can't wait for tomorrow, to play with everything

Thank you for the messages on mummys account

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