Birthday Girl

Today I hit the big number 1,
it was a slightly quiet day,
daddy had to go to work at 4am,
so we were up early and I was chuffed with my trampoline,
mummy & I had a slight nap,
before daddy came home,
then we went out with auntie karen,
to newquay aquariam, and then dinner,
when I came home, we saw auntie lucy, got a present,
then later on I saw nana and grandad, and guess what,
another present!! Mummy and daddy still have a couple for me to open,
they didn't want to over whelm me with to much.
My big day is on saturday, when I have my party,
Katie sent me a gorgeous bib,
which mummy is saving for saturday to!
a big thank you and dribbly kisses

I also got a small mickey mouse cake,
I stole the sugar stars off the top,
when mummy wasn't looking,
they didn't taste to nommy though,
sugar stars still got eaten though
along with the sponge,
the icing looked nice, squashed in the carpet...!

I have been walking a lot more today,
mummy and daddy are so proud,
I like walking, I can use my hands,
to leave a trail destruction behind me!

Mummy was torn what to blip today,
so is using this one and linking the rest!!

I have had a good birthday, it was such fun!
I think I am going to like being one!

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