
By dorrit

Who IS This ?!!%?

This is my daughter, Rachel. She just found out that she has been accepted into The Wayfinders Program at California State University of Fresno. It is a four year program where she will take regular college classes along with other classes dedicated to preparing her for her future, teaching more independence, job skills and life skills. When she graduates the goal will be that she will have a paying job, and be able to maintain a home of her own and a place in the community. She is very excited. It has been her dream to go to college for a long time and now she is set to start in January! When she heard, she did three cartwheels through the living room (a very important life skill) and then ran into her bedroom, put on her rock star wig and began to rock out! Rachel filled out all of the forms necessary and wrote her own Personal Statement. Last Monday she had her personal interview. They called her this Monday to tell her that they would be thrilled to have her! I am not too proud! Wait....yes I am!

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