Mostly quite mundane

By Anon


They catch my eye every time I walk by. Strangely, childishly, I see them as living ... sentient even. Watching over their lair, which is currently just the shell of an emerging new shopping mall.

I take my shots and as I stow the camera away a young chap cycling down the street stops.

He: What were you taking pictures of?
Me: The cranes
He: Do you mind if I ask why?
Me: I like cranes

His face breaks into a beaming smile as he extends his hand to shake mine.

He: Sorry, I've had a few beers

He cycles down the street by my side. His dad works with cranes. Roadgoing ones, though. We swap pleasantries over our fondness for 'big stuff' like excavators, quarry tipper trucks and the like. He likes one that's in Avatar. I recall the 'Crablogger' from Thunderbirds. For a couple of minutes me and this stranger are a couple of little boys. All we need is some Tonka trucks and a sandpit.

Parting words ensue.

Me: Nice to meet you
He: Make sure you watch Avatar

Then he cycles off into the traffic.

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