michigan man

By outdoorguy

A Pretty Pond

It's starting to get real purrrty around here. The trees are starting to turn colors. The yellows and the reds...combined with some sunshine...are putting on a nice show. I took a detour on the way home...out past the state park...where I've spent many enjoyable afternoons.

I took this picture on a road called Tin(s)man. I looked all over for Dorothy and the Lion. Dot must have been was hiding, and the lion didn't have the courage to come out. I even made a so-so attempt to see To-to. (No go.) I did see a Scarecrow...but he was heartless, and refused to talk to me. If I only had a brain...I wouldn't have wasted my time looking. Don't tell my kids...but their mother and I used to go "parking" on this road...long before they came along. My dad had an old 68 Buick LeSabre. A tank of a car...before the car companies started down-sizing. The front seat was huge...perfect for a make-out mobile (can't believe I just wrote that.) Ahhhh...the memories of youth.

I didn't even notice the power lines until I got home, and saw the pictures on my computer. Taking them out would take quite a while, and may be beyond my photo-shop skills...so...there they be. I am neither the Wizard of Oz, or a wizard on the computer. Hope your day was good.

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