Alice in Blipland

By Alicemaylara

Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head...

This view greeted me after my morning walk. I really like the way the light has caught the raindrops...and my windows look so clean after their wash last night! If you look closely you can see the second rainbow. If I has been dressed at the time I would have gone insearch of the gold, it was that close!

I LOVE listening to the wild wind outside when I'm all tucked up in bed. Sometimes I'll sit out on my balcony (fire exit) in my PJ's and star gaze whilst listening to the wind.

Congratulations everyone you have made it to Friday and the weekend is nearly here.

I'm sorry, im not commenting as much as I'd like in all your photos. My iPhone is not the most keyboard friendly device. But as a general comment I love looking and reading them all even if I dont always comment. And thank you for all your comments recently :)

And that's today's one through the looking glass

PS. I got my winter jacket out today and my gloves won't be far behind either!

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