
By justbrian

Trees a crowd

Tonight's blip is a bit of a hurry blip.

The Sun was disappearing fast, I knew where I wanted to be, about 5 mins drive from my house. I have found myself increasingly drawn to ploughed fields and big skies.

The image you see here is actually a crop of a much larger one and is three bracketed photos, tonemapped, then re imported to lightroom ( are you all still with me) I've made a few distractions disappear and have been left with this.

I have a new camera on order on the advice of my brother so I'm looking forward to blipping with it, it's a Ricoh GRD 3 and they're on offer. Tomasz should approve as it's a fixed focal length so photo's will be more challenging.

Thanks to all who sympathised with my dog plight, today has been very quiet !!

edit: I've took gen2's advice, it does look better

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