Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Richard of York Gave Battle In Vain

Late yesterday afternoon we recieved news that due to technical problems with access to the site hosting our projects, we're being given an extension. Whilst I've now got until Tuesday to hand in my work, I'd planned a relaxing weekend before begining the catch up on my psychology work that I'm behind on due to the environmental course. It gave me the opportunity to get an early night last night and after slogging away today, I'm nearly done. I'm 120 words over my word limit but a fresh pair of eyes is busy proof reading it for me.

I will be SO relieved to get this submitted.

The weather has been swaying violently from truly horrendous to mildly pleasant. Glancing up from my work mid morning I spotted this fantastic rainbow in the middle of a weather change.

Popped out late afternoon for a lovely catch up with J over a cup of tea. It was great to get out of the house and clear my head.

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