Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Sailor's warning...

Red sky at night, Shepherd's delight, Red sky in the morning, Sailor's warning

With my assessment nearly finished I got an early night last night and planned a little lie in this morning. I should be so lucky... 6am, wide awake!

Another chance window shot. Fantastic sunrise, grabbed my camera, fired off a couple of shots and then remembered I was on the wrong side of the house, if it was good on my side of the house it would be amazing on the other and it was! No need for any editing today, nature did that for me.

The sailors however can keep their warnings, I've got a busy day planned. Pilates, it'll be nice to stretch out all the stress from the week, followed by lunch in town with The Boy. We're then buying fabric so I can make him a coat for samhuinn (how do I get myself in to these things) and if the weather holds off I'll head and dig my garden for a while.

Later I get to go and meet a gorgeous new little snake. I should have saved my blip for him but there'll be other days for that.

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