Sword Fight

Only 2 boys to look after today. Logan away getting his hair cut and Ben with his Daddy. These 2 play well together, less chaos today.

Isn't it funny that all the expensive toys that kids get bought, it's the cheapes ones that probably give the most pleasure to them (apart from computer games I suppose).

Tomorrow the P2s at the school are standing up at assembly to talk about their topic, which is the weather. They both have quite a long passage to say and it's to the whole school. They don't seem in the least bothered by it and have learned it by heart and were practicing over tea. The conversations at the table are always entertaining. Tonight's gem was - Maganus to Cameron "What are men's boobies called"? Cameron to Magnus "Nipples!". Magnus to Cameron - "Show me your nipples then". Up goes the shirt and grabs them! We did have a snigger. . ..

Empress GG came down from Aberdeen to get a tutotial on her new camera which is an Olympus Pen - not from me but from Tonto McDuff. She is off to Umbria on a Photography week - so jealous.

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