
By TrishaR

Whooooooooooooooooooosh . . . . . ..

Here is Breagha, nose down following a scent in the harvested field that she loves to run mad on. To me, it gives the illusion of manic cocker sniffing. She is looking lovely and clean after the hose down and shampoo last night, smelling sweet and allowed back on the sofa:-)

Just back after the first night of the Photographic Club. There was a slideshow of the President, Ivy-May's pictures of her holiday in Mykonos. She made sure there was a picture of the spot where Shirley Valentine used to sit every evening, but told us that the actual taverna was now run down:-((. Some of the shots were really lovely. After tea and biccies we had a quiz, which was a great laugh. It's a friendl;y club, not snobby and people are happy to answer any questions, although I have a live-in helper!!

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