Lali's World

By Lali

Abstracts 4 - Unstructured Reflections

We keep trying to give our lives some structure although we're mostly inherently chaotic beings. That's why we create rules. Rules give structure to our chaotic minds and seem to make life easier. Not being very keen on rules myself, my life is still a bit chaotic (so, in its normal state). Now, fine if you want to create rules in order to create a more structured society, but what about rules on behaviour? Those are the ones that get me thinking. A fine example are the dating rules that you read in many articles. Who the hell decided what is good or bad to wear, to say, to do on a first, second or umpteenth date? And, apparently, if you don't follow these rules, you don't get the man/woman. What a pile of rubbish! Are we not supposed to be individuals? End of rant. (I'm still single, hahaha!).

Now, back to reality. Work not particularly interesting, but the weather was fine today. I like cold and sunny days. And I'm off at the weekend!!! :)

Not plans yet for this evening, being my usual unpredictable self.

Thanks very much for all your comments and stars on my abstracts, I do really appreciate them. I hope you all have a great and sunny weekend! :)

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