A thousand new paths

By acc

Day 1. 365grateful - Family

What a day to start my year of gratitude. It was my birthday on Tuesday and my brother and sister had organised for us to have a meal today to celebrate. I was teaching before the meal but finished at 6 and had two hours to kill so I walked up to John Lewis as I needed some more shampoo and conditioner (it has got to desperation stakes!). Unbeknownst to me they had a beauty event on at John Lewis and if I spent over a 60 pounds I would get a goodie bag. My Ojon shampoo is quite pricey but brilliant so I was planning on spending a bit anyway so I got a fantastic goodie bag with loads of really lovely things in. That was enough to be grateful for today I suppose but then I went to meet my brother and sister and found that my Mum and Dad had also travelled up as a surprise to celebrate my birthday. They live in Dorset and my siblings and I live in London. We had a lovely time.
I am so grateful for my family.

You say grace before meals. All right. But I say grace before the concert and the opera, and grace before the play and pantomime, and grace before I open a book, and grace before sketching, painting, swimming, fencing, boxing, walking, playing, dancing and grace before I dip the pen in the ink. ~G.K. Chesterton


Yesterday I heard about the 365 Grateful Project. In early 2008, in an effort to fight depression, Hailey Bartholomew started a year long photographic project which involved taking one Polaroid photo a day of something she felt grateful for.
I thought that this was such a fab idea I would do it as well. I have been blipping on and off recently but I lost my enthusiasm for it when I felt that every day was the same, always going to the same place. However, I think that documenting something I am grateful for each day gives it a different slant.

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