Mr Mysterious H

By MrMayhem

Missed another day

Damn i'm getting really bad at this. Still not done Fridays pic yet but i will back blip it.

Okay so full membership? Whoever you are thank you...truly thank you. Earlier on in the week i had a bit of a laugh listing my wants for my birthday in the hope my mum, brother , dad or stepmum might see it and take a hint. Never ever did i expect that an extremely kind member of blip would gift me a free membership!!

Im fairly confident it wasn't my dad or stepmum because no offence to them they wouldn't know how. I reckon my mum has got far to much on her plate at the moment to have seen my wish list and my way to busy trying to recover from having to work for a living again.

Which means it was one of you. In a way i wish you hadn't choosen to be anonymous, however the fact that you have means you haven't done it for praise you have done it because you are a truly kind person. So thank you again from the bottom of my heart. My faith in human nature is restored...a little.

Oh and thanks for the kind offer of a tripod you know who you are. Maybe a mutal blipper could drop it off at another mutal blippers house next time they "meet".

Last of all a very kind, clever, handsome, intelligent, strong, funny genuinly nice bloke bought me a flashgun for my birthday so, Thank you me thank you very much!!!

We used to have Steve Jobs Johnny Cash and Bob Hope now we got no Jobs no Cash and no hope.

Got get up and dance to this

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