Learning day by day

By EmmaF

Grevy's Zebra

Day started well with Carys sleeping in and Wales beating Ireland in the Rugby.

We spent the day at Whipsnade today, so Daddy could sort the shed and then start to dismantle it. It was Parky to say the least. By the time we had made it from the car park to the entrance Mummy had blue hands and although both kids had gloves she didn't. Luckily the gift shop sells them, otherwise we would have been coming home very quickly.

We saw the ring tailed lemurs close up for the first time today, although William was more interested in the ducks. Carys requested the Birds of the World Show, but we only went once today as I was too cold to sit there twice in one day.

William's speech was noticably better today. He was repeating lots of things I said and kept shouting 'Mara' whenever he saw one. He also called me 'Nina' a couple of times, which is what he calls our childminder. When he realised his mistake, he grinned and laughed then did it again.

We also saw the new baby hippo, or at least we saw the nostrils of the three week old, as it came up for breath in the pool. I think it will be very cute when we actually see it properly.

Came home to see only the shed skeleton remaining. Hopefully that will be down in the morning, then we can look to buy a replacement.

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