
things just fall into place and a night that was going to be very ordinary ends up filling you with emotion.

A text from my friend Alison earlier this evening read "I know it's short notice but Regina is in town and we are meeting up for a drink if you fancy it".

The significance is that Regina moved to Australia with her family, shortly before I separated from my ex-husband and met Corin. She was the glue that held a little group of friends together, and since she left, we have gone our separate ways, except for me and Ally who have maintained contact.

James was out, so Corin and I went to the other side of town to catch up. It's turned out to be a lovely evening. A lot of other people there, so we didn't spend as much time with Regina as maybe we would have liked, but just to be there with her was enough to be honest.

Some people remain with you, even when they are half a world away - she has, even though we didn't stay in touch.

However, she has not changed - she is still as funny, relaxed and absolutely lovely as she was 11 years ago when we first met, and 6 years ago when she emigrated. Lovely Irish lilt to her voice, calm, witty and just utterly lovely to be around. I hope now that we will maintain our contact via email and FB.

Spent some quality time with Ally and her lovely fella as well, and then went to get Jimbo from friends, and more time was had with people who I like a lot.

I have had one of those evenings where I realise exactly how lucky I am to have lovely people in my life who I connect to and who "get" me.

Was lovely to see you Regina - I miss you

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