If you can't look at them

use your head to imagine them, then paint them!

Sadly, since getting the new telescope, there has been one geniunely clear night. There have been clear spells, but none long enough to guarantee that if the scope came out, was set up and aligned, that I wouldn't have to take it straight back in again. Doesn't sound so bad? No, except that I have to get Corin to help me carry the thing because its bigger than me and quite heavy!

So, this afternoon, I've been painting, and after tinkering around with a partially finished piece (which is now drying and is still partially finished!), I decided to start on the BIG ONE. 1 metre x 1 metre. I have to work with it on the floor because it's too high on the easel.

I'm trying something abstract but based upon the stars...it's only a start, but if it turns out like I have the picture in my head, I think I will be quite happy with it. We'll see.

Have a good evening.

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