Reach for the sky!

Today I visited Headcorn airfield which is home to the Lashenden Air Warfare Museum. It's the first time I've been and it's difficult to imagine a friendlier place - while I was mooching around two volunteers came and had a chat. One of them, Ken, has been involved in air crash recovery since 1936 and he told tales of different engines on display and where they'd been found and how they'd been recovered. Purely by chance he told me about the engine from a German bomber which had destroyed the cinema in East Grinstead; the one I blipped back in February. When the crash site was first discovered it was misidentified and the crew were buried in the wrong names. Many years later, when the engine was correctly identified, the crew were disinterred and moved to the German Military Cemetery in Cannock Chase. Free entry and lots of bits and pieces from aircraft, German and British, from two World Wars - what's not to like?

Headcorn is also a very active base for light aircraft and parachuting. There was a wonderfully acrobatic aerial display while I was there and lots of people simply enjoying the sun and the sights. This is one of many shots I took there and it was difficult to pick one which summed up the day but I went with this as I think it speaks of promise and adventures to be had.

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