With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

One for FK

With no cat to wake me (disappeared again after Saturday morning's viewing of the house), I had a lie in. Little Agu and I had 'powidge' for breakfast and then walked to the square. A plan was hatched after a few games with a bit of paper and an errand. To the Port on the tram! The morning had been chilly, but now the sun promised us a new adventure. Fishing. We bought a little rod, some bait and some human bait which we ate on a quay whilst I tried to remember where all the bits go. Little Agu was very cautious. Did we need a licence? Good boy.

Finally we decided to head where there were others fishing from the rocky groyne. We had the misfortune of seeing a gentleman's groin in all its tanned 'splendour'. He was splayed out in the rocks reading a car magazine and was obviously quite pleased with himself. We just gave him a cheerful hello and ignored him, to get further out into the sea. I think he was a bit surprised we didn't ooh and ah or shriek as we passed. We weren't that impressed.

After losing a hook, line and sinker once and getting everything very muddled up, the lovely Eduardo, our fishing neighbour leapt to the rescue, rigged us up again with a better hook, proper weight and some super duper livebait with scary mouthparts. We will have to get homework finished asap tomorrow and back down to the rocks.

I picked Ben up in the park, where an intensive game of footy was going on. The star was a girl a few years older than most of them, but with such impressive skill, the boys were all agog. Reminiscent of Gregory's Girl, but with 21st Century style and technique. Back home on the tram, the boys are boiling in the bath and the stock pot is boiling for the third time.

Have a great week all.

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