With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Throw your head back and laugh

And stretch your toes. What a good feeling.

Without children to look after for 24 hours, I felt a bit lost in some ways, and wandered aimlessly around the market. After having little Agu tucked up with me since 4am with sneezes and then a jolly time in the square, suddenly I was on my own with all this time to spend. I will be able to afford this as a luxury in time, but now I feel a like I need to laugh more. Which is what I did with orisit and the girls at the beach. I had my first swim, the sea was perfect and I was strangely bouyant. Maybe titanium floats?

I will not mention the duck incident again. But. Unfortunately it coincided with me having a good laugh about something completely different, and was misconstrued. Paranoia? Maybe, but can't I just please have a laugh and a bacon sandwich?

Off to stretch again.

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