Life Songs

By TenorSong

Everybody wants to be a...


The time I haven't spent in bed today I have spent on the sofa due to some nasty infectiony thing (nothing to do with yesterdays contest) so I got the camera out and starting snapping everything I could see from there.

Of course, the best thing to come in to view was the pussy cat. However, this was not as easy as it may appear and taught me a lot of things about my new camera.

The First thing I learnt is that if you put it on 'Intelligent Auto' mode, it identifies the cats face as a face (fair do's). This means that it shines a red light at the subject before flashing to reduce red eye. Great invention.

The Second thing I learnt is that cats really don't appreciate you shining or flashing lights at them and just as he was about to take himself to a place without cameras, I learnt the third thing.

The Third thing is that my camera has a 'Pet' mode. The clever people at Sony have also clocked on to the fact that cats do not appreciate the light shiny/flashy thing and so took it out of this mode completely. Unfortunately, this means that there is no light enhancement in the shot and all I ended up with was a grainy dark picture of something to do with a cat.

The Final thing I learnt is that if I leave the shutter open longer, it lets more light in and finally, after 27 takes, a little bit of post shot enhancement and background blurring, you end up with a rather cute picture of the pussy cat.

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