Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Shepherd's delight

Never blipped the sky before. On fire tonight. Theory is that makes for a good day tomorrow. Could do with one of those (and I don't just mean the weather). Boss on leave, back to back meetings and on-call again. Oh and a stack of work from last week that didn't get finished.

Highlights from today:

Lovely lazy morning with TSM
Dizzle and his mates auditioned at the BBC and went down a storm
Big Fella home from Gran Canaria, nice to have the smiling giant in the house again
Lovely long chat with my daughter who is really enjoying the independence of Uni
Drank far too much tea (but I'm a Sarf Lundenner - it's what we do)
Best exercise session in ages - got the old motor pumping
Finally cracked the art of making a good veggie burger

Never mind Shepherd's Delight, that wasn't a bad day ...

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