
By Cari

Almost time to pick.....

Well, finally, I'm starting my blip journal! I signed up awhile ago and was confused about the rules. I thought you had to take a photo and post it that day or you couldn't use it. So, I was waiting until I was sure I was able to do that. Just re-read the rules and now I see that I can post any photo but only one per day it was taken. NOW I get it! :)

There have been a lot of changes in my life this past year! My husband and I have moved 4 hours away from our home to start a business on the Oregon Coast. I was just up visiting my daughter and took a drive through the Willamette Valley vineyards here in Oregon. My favorite time of year is just before harvest when the fruit is full of juice and the leaves are starting to change into their autumn colors. I'm sure many photographers agree that Fall is a great time for photography with all the changing colors. My life right now is all about changes so I thought this photo was a good place to start!

Be patient with this newbie.....

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