
By Cari

scared seagulls....

Ok. Not my best photo but I just went through many forums last night and learned more and more about blip! I am now calling today the first day of the rest of my blip life!! I was heading to work this morning and remembered that the surf here was suppose to be high. My husband and I took a little detour and headed to the beach. Ran into a very nice family with 4 young children out watching the big waves and not to be rude joined in a conversation with them. Didn't get the shots that I would have liked of the big waves so settled for this flight of seagulls spooked by my quick stop to include them in a photo.
Today was a good day as I went to the dentist and got that behind me! I'm not a big fan of the drill! Also, getting all our tax stuff together for our accountant is behind me(we had to file extension) so I look forward to days ahead!! I wish you all a good night and we will meet again tomorrow!

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