
By Juleshki

For the Birds

This part of England is famous for its footballers and cricketers. It's also famous for its rainfall, which today has been a little like a Cornish squall, with more of the same predicted for tomorrow. Do these squalls not realise that they are landing on the wrong county?

But I'm not too fussed now, even though I have gotten wet several times today, (the first time being in the local swimming pool) as I am now in for the night and I'm happy with that. One of life's simple pleasures - not being out in the wind and rain and not getting wet. When exactly did that state of affairs come about?

There are definitely set patterns that we all have to go through: the not wearing suitably warm enough clothes for the weather and being told so, the not eating at the right times and definitely the not sleeping part! I think the Corrs knew what they were singing about when they declared they were so young.

Priorities. That's all it is. They just move themselves around a little when we're not looking and the thing is, we don't mind at all.
Do we?

An abundance of berries such as this is said to herald a harsh winter.
Oh dear.
See yesterdays blip re the necessaries.

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