
By erinmaureen

Marist Love

So one of the main things that I realized while at Syracuse is that I love Marist. Ridiculous amounts. Syracuse was suuuuuuperrrrr pretty but i forreals love my Marist <3

Syracuse did have awesome food in the cafeteria was so yummy.

After spending a weekend with my desiree <3 I got to be in the car for four hours before being able to return to my favorite F11-ers. I missed them dearly.

When I did return Jilly decided to make a wall called "The wall of badly behaved F11-ers"

When someone did something bad they got a warning, then they got a 20 minute "time out" which meant that someone who didn't actually live here would have to leave for 20 minutes and actual residents of F11 would have to go to their room for 20 minutes...if bad behavior continued the time you had to leave F11 for got longer and longer.

Needless to say- We are terribly behaved and within 2 hours we were all fighting and being mean to each other over getting a warning...which just caused people to continue to write each other up.

Justin was the first to be told to leave by making fun of jersey in front of Emily and myself who love our state. Jillian and Dan were also kicked out so they sat outside on the steps "protesting" but eventually asked to be let back which time we all apologized to each other for everything going crazy and took the short lived chart of misbehavior down.

We're too badly behaved to keep track.

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