Waterfoot Sunrise

By alasdairb

Happy Chappies!

Caroline, one of our friends who has a holiday home in Waterfoot, has been down for a few days with her son Charlie and his pal Greg. Two young lads who were getting totally hacked off with the foul weather. They had been trying to persuade me to take them out fishing, but with the river in spate and heavy seas there was no way the boat was leaving its mooring.

However, by this morning conditions had improved and with the tide right we all headed out towards the Point. With the sea still quite brown from all the flood water from the river I wasn't confident of catching any fish. It was Greg's first time fishing and when he thought there was something on the line I suggested it was possibly just some seaweed he had caught. Much to my surprise he reeled in a nice sized Pollock. You should have seen the look on his face, especially when I told him that tradition decreed you had to kiss the first fish you catch for future luck! He thought about it for a second before realising I was pulling his leg. While this was happening Charlie brought in another similar sized Pollock and was delighted. I third Pollock was caught by Greg before we motored across the bay to let the boys see the seals on the rocks near Torrisdale.

As we headed back to Waterfoot I took this blip of two very happy young lads and Caroline, all in their nice bright coloured life jackest

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