my corner of the world

By Vic

Grim day!

Some days are harder than others. Today was hard. A 'bashing-your-head-against-a-wall-day'! Being SENCo tends to be full of fighting for what's right and lots of paperwork and disappointments. This week looks like it's going to be a week of it! Taught History and RE this afternoon. The kids are tired and most ill with cough and colds so like walking through treacle this afternoon!

Home to manic household of piano, tea making, bin day, washing, helping Jasmine pack for her Spanish exchange which is approaching and shopping for the exchange as she has "nothing that fits" (her words). Oh yes and school work to do. Where is the joy in life?

Therefore a quick blip today! Went back to yesterday's blip place. Didn't expect to get anything tonight. Better pack up and get to bed ...another morning of meetings tomorrow!

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