my corner of the world

By Vic

Hard at work!

Work again! This is one of my little ones in the afternoon hard at work. He is doing a story map, ready to start writing tomorrow. Put up another display this afternoon (parent's evening coming soon, can you tell?)! Feeling totally trashed tonight. Could sleep for a week.

Jasmine has been in London all day on a school trip (with all those students going on the exchange this weekend). Must remember to get her some Euros. Not that she hasn't reminded me every day for a week now. I tried to explain Post Offices do have Euros in! But what so I know? Obviously the 12 year old knows best!

Jaden is on his way back from Cubs now. He is feeling it a bit this week. His cold has gone to his chest and he was a bit tearful tonight. Not a lot I can do for him except lots of cuddles, Calpol and vaporiser on. Poor love. Bed for us all I think.

Night night!

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