Why did I come in here?

By Bootneck


Many of us have enjoyed Talpa's series on the Doric. His images and the accompanying dialect have brought back many happy memories for me.

Inspired by his example I remembered a little book hidden away from her who tends to throw things away. May I introduce you to 'Jackspeak.'

A dictionary and reference to the slang, euphemisms, idiom and usage - past and current - of the Royal Navy and Royal Marines. Jackspeak was created by Rick Jolly and illustrated by Tugg Wilson. Rick is the Surgeon who was boss of the casualty station during the last unpleasantness in the South Atlantic (I say 'last' as I have a feeling in my waters that we may yet have some 'bovver' there). Tugg was a former armorer, he retired from the RN and became a full time illustrator; his images are renowned for their accuracy and humour. The cover of the book shows a 'Rum-Rat' waiting to collect the mess deck's allocation of rum at Tot Time, yet another of this Nation's traditions cast to the wind.

The dedication in the frontispiece is simple and to the point.

"For Jack and Royal on whose broad and willing shoulders the destiny of this island nation has so often depended."

Jack - A Matelot, Sailor.
Royal - A Royal Marine, Bootneck, Booty.

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