Bump and Lights

Thought I'd show off my kitchen lights today - a poor excuse I know for a last minute blipshot. But I have taken a bump picture as well!! 32+5 today. 5 weeks and a couple of days left maximum I guess. Not long now and I can stop obsessing so much over food, can stop being kicked incredibly painfully in the groin area (I had a lovely nap this afternoon, interspersed with THE most painful kicks so far), and can start having smooshie cuddles with our baby.....

I like my new lights :0) It's such a novelty to be able to switch lights on at the wall, and to have actual real proper lights instead of a work lamp balanced on top of a cupboard!

Steve left for Korea today. I was awake enough to say goodbye this morning, and although Ben wasn't interested in saying 'bye he tickled daddy instead! I think that's far more representative of their relationship, and they do love each other to bits :0) I cried though when I heard Steve close the front door. Ben immediately sat up and said "It's ok mum, it's ok." and kissed my nose. I nodded and tried to stop crying and said I'd have to be a big brave girl and he nodded very seriously and said, "yes, be big brave girl mum. It's ok." Didn't help my tears, I tell you! He then climbed out of bed and went to tell grandma and grandad that I'd been crying and that he'd kissed me on my nose and that I was going to be a big brave girl...

It's been a sleepy day today. We managed to get out to tots this morning and Ben was a bit reserved because we've not been for so long, but I think he enjoyed himself. I did very very little. Played with him with the playdough, and helped him do some leaf rubbings, but mainly just sat down! Once we got home I managed to get soup made for lunch and had a bit of a lie down while it was cooking as my stomach had started hurting badly, but Ben insisted I have soup with him and Grandma and Grandad so I did. Actually felt better for having eaten but definitely needed more sleep so I took myself off to bed. Slept ages!! Interspersed as I said with real painful kicks from the wrigglybean. I swear he's trying to get out through the walls. Patience for both of us needed...

In the end Ben woke me up when he needed a wee. He'd already been several times that I'd been aware of but this time he wanted mummy because he knew mummy was sort of awake. He came in and told me he needed a wee, then proceeded to hop about squeaking that he was holding his willy to keep it in as I tried in vain to tell him to just go and sit on the potty and I'd be there as soon as I could get out of bed!!

Daft boy.

Mum was making dinner and dad went and had some peace and quiet and Ben and I played quietly in the living room for all of 10 minutes until he suddenly decided he needed a cuddle and flaked out and fell asleep on me. Just couldn't stay awake long enough to have dinner. As I transferred him to his bed he very briefly opened his eyes and said "thanks" and fell asleep.....! <3 <3 <3 I think my heart melted a little just then :0)

He's still asleep. Fully clothed. I'm willing to bet if I went and had a quick bath right now he'd wake up mid-bath.....

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