Uncertain Emotions

By meltingman

Fizz and spuds

Yay! Finally found some German t'interweb that has a USB doodah, so can upload some blips.

Boring blip today though as it was raining. And raining. With a bit more rain thrown in for good measure, so very few photos were taken today.

I took refuge from the rain in a lovely bar I went in with Dad when we came here a few years ago and enjoyed currywurst and a cold beer. After a wander, I went for a mooch and ended up at KaDeWe. I've never really liked this bit of Berlin, but I do like KaDeWe and thought it a good idea to stay for a bite to eat before heading to the cinema. Although my German is improving with each visit, I still get my methods of cooking wrong sometimes and ended up with a baked potato rather than the lovely fried ones that the handsome chef was cooking. Oh, and prosecco ;-) Anyhoo, it worth it to people watch and admire the easy on the eye chef.

Missed the cinema, got squashed on a rush-hour S-bahn, then relaxed in the hotel bar.

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