shotlandka's weebig world

By shotlandka


What you can't really see is the water, it was a smirry kind of day, so it was everywhere, am very pleased with the shots I took as I thought they'd be very blurred with the tiny water droplets on the lens. Love the autumn colours in the glen at the moment. There has been a little bit of editing, but just to get the colours to what they actually are.

No roadworks, the weather has put them back, which is not surprising. North Ayrshire Council's classic was deciding that, but not telling Stagecoach until the first affected bus had not run! Bet there were some interesting conversations when that came out! They are now going to be doing the bridge at Catacol Monday and Tuesday of next week, which is fine with me as I will be in Glasgow on Monday and heading back on the 5 o'clock bus on Tuesday, meaning the road will be re-opened. They can only put it back so far though, as the schools will be back the week after and the primary school bus needs through just after half three. I don't quite get why every other place they are doing roadworks the service buses can run through them, but not at Catacol, the road has to be completely closed. We are all very amused by the signs up saying 'follow diversion', but not actually indicating that the diversion is simply to stop, do a u-turn and go the other way round the north island!

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