
By Chiara

Polly needs a home

I needed to kill some time before I went to Jessica's parents' to visit with Jessica & Josh, who were in town, so I went to a local pet shop and took some pictures. I wish the bars in front of the bird weren't so distracting because it would've been an otherwise good photo. You can never go wrong with purple and green together.

As usual, it was great seeing Jessica & Josh again. Being that she's 5'3 (?) and 8 months pregnant, Jesse's belly is enormous compared to the rest of her. I saw her mom, her sister, Ryan, Christina Mudd, and Shayna (childhood friends) too. It was nice catching up with everyone.

Ryan & Josh

Train -- See the glow on the right side of the picture, behind the train? That's from the city skyline. I was 8 miles southwest of the city.

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