With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Mid week holiday and a boathouse for R

I did get a cup of tea, but then it took two hours to 'nip' down to the square for a play and a coffee. By the time we got back, it didn't seem much like a holiday and I was ready to give up. My plan to go to Palma was shelved. Cala Deia called. Lunch at the chiringuito with my lovely friends there saw me begin to relax. They will close for the season on Sunday. Waves had been crashing up against the walls a few days ago and they know when to give in, despite the fabulous weather today. Their son Lluc was there, and I had plenty of people to catch up with, either whilst swimming or sitting under the shade. Ball games and inumerable sticks kept us there until the sun had disappeared, but we weren't beaten yet. We caught the last of the sunset back in the Port of Soller, and Ben did some of his more spectacular saves with me shooting him on Tv mode.

Still having trouble blogging, so I'll Fb the others. Wild savages and all. It still feels like a Sunday, so I must have relaxed a little in there somewhere. How couldn't I in a place like this. Hope you like my little boathouse Blip Richard.

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