Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Scotch Egg

Still not decided on an image for yesterday but didn't want to get behind with uploading so thought I'd get today's up. I watched a cookery program the other day where a woman made her own scotch eggs. It had never occured to me before that I could just make my own.

So, today at the supermarket I picked up some sausages and quail's eggs and half an hour later, tada!

It has been a day for news today:

Bad news: My external hard drive that died in May needs new read/write heads (or something) before they will know if they can access the data and even then, one of the platters (or something) was slightly damaged so they can't guarantee anything. So, I now have to decide if I want to pay an additional £120 to try and get my holiday photos (and abut 12 blips that were awaiting upload) back. If it works, I'll still have to pay the retreival fee, if it doesn't, I've wasted £120... decisions, decisions, how much do I value my holiday photos?

Good News: Finally got a call from the guy that quoted to do our stone work repair last year. They're finally ready to start and scaffolding will go up next week. They're going to honour the price of the quote from last year but we'll have to put up with the scaffolding being up for an extra couple of weeks as they need to do the measurements from the outside. Please let the bad weather hold off until December!

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