Desperately Seeking Susan


'Every little helps'

I am not ashamed to say but I often visit the reduced sections of the supermarkets I shop at for reduced bargains.
But my biggest bugbear is when they just put raw meats mixed with cooked meats and even vegetables and fruit.
I am not picking out Asda in particular but all the supermarkets are guilty of this to some degree or another as I have seen when shopping in other stores.
I often have to point out to staff what they are doing wrong and the risk to public health.
So in Asda today I ventured to mention to the young lad who was filling up the refigerated unit that for food safety reasons raw meats should not be mixed with the vegetables and cooked meats (in this case all just thrown in together). His reply was' thats ok its all wrapped up in plastic'. I suggested that packaging can become damaged and can leak.
He replied, 'oh I will take that on board' but continued to unload more reduced items into the reduced area.
I had to speak to two more managers before any action was taken to remove the raw meat.
Clearly more stringent training of staff is required!!

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