Look, See, Click

By lookseeclick

Evening stroll home

It's not often I take photos at night. Mainly because if I am out at night I'm usually in a rush to get home. After work this evening me, Neil and Mary met at my workplace for a uke practice session which went quite well and as the miserable drizzle that had been falling most of the day had stopped for a while I had a bit of a wander, with bike of course, as the city looks quite pretty at night. This is City Hall.

Had a lovely surprise yesterday: a card from one of Roland's old school friends saying how much he enjoys looking at my Blip pics and reading my write-ups. He hasn't lived in Norwich for several years and apparently through my Blips he's getting to see parts of the city that he never saw in the 26 years he lived here. Thanks Barry!

The gloom continues, alas. Not a day seems to go by at the moment without hearing of one person or another that I know losing their job or organisations simply not replacing staff when they leave. I've stopped listening to the Today programme in the morning and I have a feeling that very soon I'm going to stop reading the news section of the Grauniad. All I'll be left with will be the Steve Bell cartoon and the crossword.

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