This day

By snapper

Off day!

Why is it when you have one very productive day it is followed by one where the entire day is an effort? I don't think the constant wet weather is helping mind you. Dogs seem to be wet all the time and stinky with it.

Went to my really serious camera club tonight but they were doing some sort of photshopy stuff and I was losing the will to live! I am rubbish at Ps and don't have the patience to learn but I suppose learn I must as there are one or two wee things I would like to learn how to do but replacing clouds isnt one of them. If I want clouds I wait untill its cloudy end of story! If I don't want clouds I wait till I find a cloudless day! but I would like to learn how to darken just bits of a photo and lighten other bits and to take some thing out or even put them in so I suppose I will have to bite the bullet!

Didnt get any inspiration to take a phot today so just blipped the stuff on the mantle. All three belonged to my mother (she was ornament daft) but what the heck I like them!

#2 daughter back at work and on the mend thank goodness.

Have a good blip evening all

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