Nosey Bitch!

Here you see Abbie dog not to be outdone by Pene at getting her neb into my pictures! They like their evening walk along the canal basin where they can chase eachother about. Managed this in between all the heavy showers we have had. Got my CD of that wonderful Irish ladies choir called An Cor Gealach and it is just magic. Will be listening to that a good few times. Mind you I miss not having a decent sound system! I tend not to play many cd's now as I use Spotify but even that sound comes out of my crappy computer speakers. How I long to be able to afford a Bang & Olfsun hi fi, they are stunning sound systems and wonderful to look at.... ach well dream on! .
Having to get up tomorrow at stupid oclock to be in Dunoon for 8.30am! as I am Chairing a raft of competitions. Wish I had not let myself be talked into this! Will I ever wisen up?
Happy blipping all

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