The Daily Bun

By pennybun


I will avoid an attempt at political satire here,.

Whilst our garden badgers are surprisingly nonchalant, the foxes are very twitchy, so I was pleased to get quite a lot of shots of this lovely youngster, of which this one was the best, on the trail cam last night. There are lots of pictures of it looking nervously over its shoulder, probably to keep an eye open for badgers who might not like their food being taken by a young upstart!

A busy day today - I did two route checks, some shopping, some of which was for a photography class project which I might blip tomorrow if it turns out OK, bought a new compact camera, so I can have something in my pocket on those grim winter days when carrying my DSLR isn't practical and my old compact or iPhone camera just doesn't do it, and went to the bird study group meeting, where I adopted a curlew for a bird breeding atlas project. That means when the atlas is published, my name will appear by the curlew entry.

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