The Daily Bun

By pennybun


This is my photography class project for this week. I've not really enjoyed it as it involved too much messing about and too little actual photography. I spent the morning writing up some walk checks which means I'm now up-to-date, then the afternoon was spent assembling this. By the time I'd done it, there was little time left to worry about getting the photography right and I'd already spent time and money on planning and assembling the ingredients.
Much nicer today was getting a retweet from Autumnwatch for my trail cam photo of a badger and a fox in my garden. (Flickr is acting up so I can't post a link)
Also very nice was an email I got from the Get Walking Routes Development Officer thanking me for rewriting a route.
I'm hoping to get out an about in the countryside tomorrow, as circumstances, including the weather, seem to have conspired against me this week and I'm desperate to see some daylight wildlife.

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