Fluorescent Lighting

The sunrise through the morning fog is a very fitting example of how my eyes and head feel after working under fluorescent lights all day. I've read that it's not the light, but the imperceivable flicker of the light that some people (that would include me) are sensitive to.

Migraines are not my friends and, since they are regularly triggered by working under fluorescent lights, this photo is the best way I can describe how my brain felt by the end of the day again today. Complete with the blotches on the lens. (I did clean the lens after I saw this...how on earth am I so messy?)

For the last 15 years, I have happily worked, with no light above my desk. The light from the window was sufficient, along with a few desk lamps. Natural light feels good to my brain and my eyes. Lately, it is becoming a bigger and bigger deal to comply with 'facilities' and keep those fluorescent lights burning bright and flickery above every desk in the office. We're provided with 'sunglasses' for the bulbs. These do dampen the intensity of the light, but do nothing for the flicker.

On the other side of the coin, our insurance is taking a big swing over to prevention (hmmmmm, I remember prevention, that's the song the insurance companies were singing in the 80's...they decided it was too expensive and quit that, becoming more reactive. So, here we are again, back to prevention) and I'm wondering if getting me out from under those fluorescent lights wouldn't be a great way to prevent those of us who are sensitive to the lights from going off the deep end from the stress of constant tension in the head. Since not everyone is sensitive to the light, it is more difficult to convince those who are not bothered by them that they really are a problem.

Given that it is not my goal to just complain about this problem, I'm out to learn if there are any other solutions out there. One article I read suggested asking that burnt out bulbs be placed in the light sockets above the desk of those who are sensitive. The only problem with that is the efficiency of the folks who come to clean the building and replace the light bulbs after hours. Has anyone figured out how to conquer this issue in a large office? I'd love to have a positive solution!

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