This day

By snapper

Saving Private Sam!

Took the doggies to my wee deserted village and sure enough off they ran to gaze into the well! Then Sam took a header in after Abbie who was looking for weeds, poor Pene thought Sam was drowning and thus decided to try to pull him out by the scruff of his neck, an indignant Sam got pulled out while Abbie stayed in the well and laughed! Pene was expecting some thinks for this heroic doggy deed but all she got was a growl from and angry Sam who had his swim cut short. They do keep me amused with their antics I'll say that.

Chubby hubby up in the loft looking for space to have to himself and all his flaming junk! What is it with bloke that makes them hang onto all the crap of the day that will never be of use in a month of Sundays?At the moment if I decided to get up to the loo during the night, I am in danger of being grabbed by the ankle by some sprawling gaping rucksack or bag that is overflowing with books, cables, sat navs, radios and God knows what else, so today he dicided to look for space in the loft though I felt his enthusiasm wane a little when I said "oh goody that means you can clear some of that grot out of the loft"! was ment with an "humph"

Managed to link up with my cousin in Texas today on Skype, we had some technical glitches, I could see and hear him but he could only see me! It as 6am over there and almost lunch time here. 6am! God they must get up early! I will need to tidy the bookshelves behind me so that he will think I am a nice tidy soul after all his house is like a palace! Anyhow how wonderful is Skype?

Have a goood blib evening all

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