If all else fails

have a cup of tea?

Am exhausted emotionally.

Miss Jimbo so much. Have lost the power of communication this evening. No energy. Came home, got snuggled on the sofa and have largely remained there, being a mardy pants, all evening. Briefly ventured into the attic and found this and these. Made me smile. Miss Tattyhead too...wonder what he would have to say about all of these shenanigans?!

Texts received today. Talks to follow. May have found a legal solution. I think there is acceptance and understanding of how it has come to this - needs resolving now. Until it is, it will continue to gnaw away at me. Am glad this has all come to a head whilst Jimbo is away. Hopefully to be sorted, once and for all, at the weekend. I need it to be, for all our sakes, because it is consuming me and I haven't much left.

Twinging pains this evening, but not so bad as last night. Tonight it is more hormonal angst.

Need to cry I think.

Maybe another brew.

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