Moments in a minor key

By Dcred


A number of years ago, more years than I care to remember, whilst still a young scholar I borrowed a book of poetry from the school library with the title of 'The Mersey Sound", a collection of modern verse by three local Scoucers, Adrian Henri, Roger McGough and Brian Patten, I believe its still in print now and could well have become a standard read for students of English. To cut a long story short, I never took the book back and it still sits on my shelf for when I want to transport myself back to those halcyon days of my youth,. The following poem is by Roger McGough but not actually from this tomb, I've chosen it simply because it plays to my romantic side (plus I was refreshing the bandages in the First Aid box today ).

As every bandage dreams
of being the Shroud of Turin
So do I dream
of enfolding you

As every aria longs
for Pavarotti's velvet tongue
So my body yearns
to interpret you

As every avalanche schemes
the ascent of Everest
So I aspire
to the view from your summit

As every oilslick licks its lips
at the thought of the Galapogos
So I long to stick around
and pound your beaches

As everything that is without feeling
Comes to life put next to you
So do I.

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