my corner of the world

By Vic


Been a lovely day. Blipfoto has allowed us to meet some really lovely people. Just over a week ago it was meandmygirl and today it wasDotty and her boys. Meandmygirl were supposed to join us in the evening but it didn't work out this time.

We could (and did) talk for hours. Amazing how it feels like we have known each other for years. The children got on ...especially as the boys shared a love of Dr. Who. Ended up a late night for the kids as time flew by without us realising. Was worth it and doesn't happen very often. Felt very naughty being out on a school night! LOL!

Teddy also has other things in common with Jaden ...he's not impressed with having his picture taken! Sneaked this one (as he moved on all the others to get away) while Charlie gave it zzzzzzzs on the couch! Two lovely boys there Dotty. (sorry this photo doesn't do him justice)

By the way I had a very happy, smiling boy running out of school tonight. I phoned the school and the secretary informed the Head teacher who sorted it! Phew! Although I had been given strict instructions by Jaden not to go in. Think he was glad that I did intervene ...his smile gave it away!

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