my corner of the world

By Vic


A day of bitty things really. Trying to sort out last minute packing for Jasmine who goes off on her Spanish exchange to Barcelona tomorrow. Sorted out changing my phone contract. Mowed the front and back lawn (as actually not raining and warmer so the grass had chance to dry)! Even did some sewing to mend Jaden's coat! Had a coffee with a friend before pick up time. Jaden is out at a sleepover tonight so just my friend's boy to pick up tonight. Was really sad watching Jaden come out and go home with someone else. Pathetic really but didn't get my hug!

Tonight has been full of many tears from Jasmine. Bless her she is so scared about going tomorrow. For all her shouting and stropping at us, she doesn't like being away from home. This is a chance in a lifetime as it is funded by school and this funding is no longer available. This is the last time it can be free. We keep telling her to make the most of it and remember it's only 10 days. But tonight she was shaking and kept deep breathing (in between the tears). It made me realise how little she really is still. Had lots of cuddles. Not sure she will sleep tonight. An early start tomorrow as John is taking her to school at 4am!

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